Sunday, November 8, 2020

Weekly Health Quiz: Masks, Inflammation and Ketones

1 Research near-universally shows face masks:

  • Completely block the spread of infection if the wearer is infected
  • Reduce infection rates by about half
  • Do not reduce infection rates

    Universal mask wearing, like the lockdowns, has no basis in science. On the contrary, the available scientific evidence near-conclusively shows that mask wearing does not reduce infection rates. Learn more.

  • Only protect the wearer

2 Which of the following is responsible for 94% of COVID-19-related deaths?

  • SARS-CoV-2 infection
  • Secondary coinfections
  • Improper medical treatment and medical errors
  • Diet-related comorbidities

    CDC data shows diet-related comorbidities are responsible for 94% of COVID-19-related deaths. Learn more.

3 Which of the following companies recently pleaded guilty to three criminal charges related to its role in the opioid crisis, resulting in the company being taken over by the U.S. government?

  • Purdue Pharma

    Purdue Pharma has pleaded guilty to three federal criminal charges relating to its role in the opioid crisis, including violating a federal anti-kickback law, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. As part of the settlement, Purdue will shut down and its assets used to create a "public benefit company" that will both sell opioids and fund opioid addiction treatment. Learn more.

  • AstraZeneca
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Napp Pharmaceuticals

4 Why is it so important to identify the source of SARS-CoV-2?

  • If natural, we must shut down virus research since it's a waste of money
  • If it was manmade, we need to address the future of gain-of-function research that allows for the weaponization of viruses

    It's important to identify the source of SARS-CoV-2, because if it came from a lab, then we need to reassess the future of gain-of-function research that allows for the weaponization of viruses. Learn more.

  • Effective treatment requires knowing whether the virus is zoonotic or manmade
  • Whoever is responsible must pay for damages, and if natural, that species must be eradicated

5 For a successful totalitarian takeover, which civil right must be eliminated first?

  • Freedom of assembly
  • The right to privacy
  • Freedom of speech

    Totalitarian takeovers always begin with censorship of speech because all other civil rights depend on the ability to speak freely. Censorship is also required for the subversion of democracy. Learn more.

  • Freedom of religion

6 Conventional medicine blames age-related macular degeneration primarily on advancing age, but emerging research suggests this may be an even more important factor:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Eating a diet based on processed foods

    AMD, a leading cause of blindness in the U.S. — and the third leading cause of blindness globally (after cataracts and glaucoma) — is said to be a disease associated with aging, but Knobbe asks, "Could age-related macular degeneration be a disease of processed food consumption?" Learn more.

7 Which of the following can help squelch excessive inflammation by neutralizing peroxynitrites, and work synergistically with ketones to preserve bone and prevent muscle loss?

  • Baking soda

    Baking soda and Alka-Seltzer Gold help squelch excessive inflammation by immediately neutralizing peroxynitrites, which are among the most damaging free radicals there are, and work synergistically with ketones to preserve bone and prevent the loss of muscle. Learn more.

  • Peptides
  • Quercetin
  • Baking powder

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