Monday, September 14, 2020

Weekly Health Quiz: Science, Quarantines and Bill Gates

1 Which of the following industries is NOT funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

  • Technology
  • Food and agriculture
  • Holistic health

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds technology, food and agriculture policy, as well as journalism and major media. Learn more.

  • Journalism and major media

2 Which of the following statement is true, based on published science?

  • Influenza vaccination has never been shown to increase the risk of other viral respiratory illnesses
  • Influenza vaccination has consistently been shown to decrease the risk of other viral respiratory illnesses
  • Influenza vaccinations have been proven to provide broad protection against a wide variety of viruses
  • Influenza vaccination has been shown to increase pandemic influenza, noninfluenza respiratory illnesses and nonspecific coronavirus infections

    Influenza vaccination has been shown to increase pandemic influenza, noninfluenza respiratory illnesses and nonspecific coronavirus infections. Learn more.

3 Which of the following statements is false?

  • There has never been a safety breach at a biosafety level 4 laboratory

    There are hundreds of safety breaches at biosafety laboratories around the world each year. Learn more.

  • Experimentation with fully infectious SARS-CoV-2 is already occurring around the world
  • At least one safety breach involving a modified SARS-CoV-2 virus has already occurred this year
  • University of Pittsburgh researchers are working on a pathogen that adds the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 to anthrax

4 Which of the following groups was found to have the highest rate of suicidal ideation due to the COVID-19 pandemic in a recent CDC study?

  • Seniors, aged 65 and older
  • Unpaid caregivers for adults

    A CDC study found unpaid caregivers for adults had the highest rate of suicidal ideation relating to the COVID-19 pandemic (30.7%), followed by young adults, age 18 to 24 (25.5%) and essential workers (21.7%). Learn more.

  • Essential workers
  • Unemployed individuals

5 According to findings by the National Bureau of Economic Research, lockdowns, closures, travel restrictions, stay-home orders, event bans, quarantines, curfews and mask mandates have had the following effect:

  • Modest effect on viral transmission rates
  • Significant effect on viral transmission rates
  • No determinable effect on viral transmission rates

    According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, lockdowns, closures, travel restrictions, stay-home orders, event bans, quarantines, curfews and mask mandates do not seem to affect virus transmission rates overall, and governments have likely acted in error. Learn more.

6 What is the goal of the transhumanist movement?

  • To make the body stronger by replacing bone structures with metal
  • The elimination of emotions to create world peace
  • To prevent the ability to upload one's mind to the cloud
  • To meld human biology with technology and artificial intelligence

    The goal of the transhumanist movement, or "Human 2.0," is to transcend biology into technology, to meld human biology with technology and artificial intelligence. Learn more.

7 Who was instrumental in abolishing lobotomies and other brain damaging psychosurgeries?

  • Peter Breggin

    Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, is frequently referred to as "the conscience of psychiatry" because he's been able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other experimental psychosurgeries. Learn more.

  • Sigmund Freud
  • Wilhelm Reich
  • Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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