How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created
There’s no shortage of controversies surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, but the controversy over hydroxychloroquine is perhaps one of the most perplexing and frustrating. Doctors and health experts around the world have spok…Read More
Commentary: We Have to Do Something to Level the Playing Field
'It's frustrating when you work so hard for so long,' says cardiologist Eldrin F. Lewis, 'and you get confused for transport.'
from WebMD Health…Read More
Layoffs Cost Millions of American Health Insurance
The number of adults who lost coverage due to unemployment over those months is higher than have ever lost insurance in a single year, The New York Times reported.
from WebMD Health…Read More
White House Bypasses CDC on COVID-19 Data
Instead of patient information going to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it will now be sent to a central database in Washington, The New York Times reported.
from WebMD Health…Read More
Pandemic Causing Kids to Regress, Experts Say
Regression is a normal part of childhood development, but in the age of COVID-19, experts say it’s happening in a vast and more widespread way than normal.
from WebMD Health…Read More
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