Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fear Secures Obedience in COVID-19 War

A famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt is “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He understood that fear is ultimately what strips us of our human rights and drives a society into totalitarianism, and that the only way to circumvent such a fate is to bravely resist fear. Today, one of the biggest threats (or so we’re told) is a global pandemic.

Today, we also have something no previous tyrant has had, namely the technology to track, trace, control and manipulate individuals wherever they are. Most people are surrounded by electronics and wireless devices that harvest every imaginable data point about your personal life. Digital currency stands at the ready to complete the net of tyranny.

Engineering Contagion

I’ve written many articles reviewing the scientific evidence supporting the claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory creation. Whether the pathogen was released accidentally or on purpose is probably less important than establishing the truth of its origin.

The reason I say that is because intent would be hard to prove, while the fact that we’re still engineering bioweapons is unquestionable — and, as long as we continue dangerous gain-of-function research, the end result can only be more of the same. More outbreaks. More pandemics. More fear. Increased control. More restrictions. Fewer freedoms.

If we want to dismantle the bioterrorism threat narrative, we have to address the research that makes this threat a possibility in the first place. The video above features independent journalist Whitney Webb, who provides an overview of the research she’s amassed in the course of writing articles on bioterrorism.

Her September 25, 2020, article1 “Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax and ‘The Darkest Winter” delves into how the biodefense industrial complex are already working on a turbo-charged form of anthrax.

Documents obtained via FOIA reveals anthrax, an already deadly pathogen, is being genetically manipulated to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the part of the virus that allows it to gain access into human cells. This clearly has little to do with staying a step ahead of nature, seeing how bacteria are not likely to mix with and take on characteristics of a virus if left to their own devices. I encourage you to watch the video and/or read her article if you’re interested in this topic.

Democracy Under Threat

As noted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich2 — co-founder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee3,4 that is preparing the biggest class-action lawsuit in history5,6,7,8 — scientists, lawyers, medical professionals and academics are increasingly recognizing that the deliberate fear-mongering that has kept the COVID-19 pandemic alive well past its expiration date threatens to replace democracy with “fascist totalitarian models” of government.

Fortunately, more and more of them are now starting to realize that they must speak out, before it’s too late. Case in point, a Journal of Law and the Biosciences paper9 by Stephen Thompson and Eric C. Ip, both from the University of Hong Kong, titled “COVID-19 Emergency Measures and the Impending Authoritarian Pandemic,” which reads, in part:

“This Article demonstrates — with diverse examples drawn from across the world — there are unmistakable regressions into authoritarianism in governmental efforts to contain the virus. Despite the unprecedented nature of this challenge, there is no sound justification for systemic erosion of rights-protective democratic ideals and institutions beyond that which is strictly demanded by the exigencies of the pandemic.

A Wuhan-inspired all-or-nothing approach to viral containment sets a dangerous precedent for future pandemics and disasters, with the global copycat response indicating an impending ‘pandemic’ of a different sort, that of authoritarianization.

With a gratuitous toll being inflicted on democracy, civil liberties, fundamental freedoms, healthcare ethics, and human dignity, this has the potential to unleash humanitarian crises no less devastating than COVID-19 in the long run."

Bioterrorism Narrative Used to Fuel Fear

Over the past several years, the threat of bioterrorism and viruses in general have been highlighted as one of the most serious threats to mankind. Bill Gates, who invests in and profits from pandemic vaccines, has been priming the public to fear the emergence of deadly diseases for years.

In 2015, he warned his TED Talk audience that the next big threat to humanity would be “a highly infectious virus” that “we are not ready for,”10 and in 2017 he predicted tens of millions could be killed by bioweapons.11

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus ... or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu,” Gates said at the time.12

Of course, Gates also co-hosted the October 2019 pandemic preparedness simulation known as Event 201, along with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum. The event eerily predicted what would happen 10 weeks later, when COVID-19 appeared.

This scripted tabletop exercise included everything we now see playing out in the real world, from PPE shortages, lockdowns and removal of civil liberties to mandated vaccination campaigns, riots, economic turmoil and the breakdown of social cohesion. They even got the type of virus right: a “novel coronavirus.”

The detailed working paper13 “Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900,” originally published in 1998 and revised in 2001, reviews some 270 suspected biowarfare incidents on record.

Considering that paper is now nearly 20 years old, that list is likely to be even longer today. This list may even include SARS-CoV-2, if we are to believe Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, and others.

Technocracy Rising

Another medical professional who is now speaking openly about the COVID-19 pandemic being a brazen power-grab by the technocratic elite is Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic spinal surgeon with a medical practice in Logan, Iowa.14

August 16, 2020, she delivered a speech at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness15 convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, featured in “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible,” in which she dissected the many fear-inducing lies we’ve been told about this pandemic.

When you look at the actual data and statistics available, and compare them to what we’re being told by government officials and the media, it becomes evident that there’s a gulf between the two. The data tells us SARS-CoV-2 is not the existential threat it’s been made out to be. That in turn begs the question: “Why do they want us to live in fear? Surely, there must be a reason for it."

Of course there is, and it has nothing to do with making sure you and your family remain healthy and safe from infection. The big picture emerging seems to point in one direction, and that is the implementation of a long-standing plan to usher in and permanently establish a technocratic society.

In summary, technocracy16,17 is an economic ideology built around totalitarian rule by unelected leaders. A technocrat is someone who exercises power over you on the basis of their knowledge. As an economic system, technocracy is resource-based. Under this system, companies are told what resources they’re allowed to use, when, and for what, and consumers are told what to buy.

Social Engineering Is in Full Swing

The technocratic system also requires social engineering, which relies on massive data collection and the use of artificial intelligence. Technocrats have silently and relentlessly pushed this agenda forward ever since the 1930s, and signs of its implementation are becoming increasingly visible.

In a few short months, we’ve been dramatically shifted from a state of freedom to a state of totalitarianism, and the way that was done was through social engineering, which of course involves psychological manipulation.

Censoring and propaganda are but two strategies that shape and mold a population. Psychiatry professor Albert Biderman’s “chart of coercion”18,19 also includes the following methods, all of which can be clearly related to the COVID-19 response:

Isolation techniques — Quarantines, social distancing, isolation from loved ones and solitary confinement

Monopolization of perception — Monopolizing the 24/7 news cycle, censoring dissenting views and creating barren environments by closing bars, gyms and restaurants

Degradation techniques — Berating, shaming people (or even physically attacking) those who refuse to wear masks or social distance, or generally choose freedom over fear

Induced debility — Being forced to stay at home and not be able to exercise or socialize

Threats — Threatening with the removal of your children, prolonged quarantine, closing of your business, fines for noncompliance with mask and social distancing rules, forced vaccination and so on

Demonstrating omnipotence/omniscience — Shutting down the whole world, claiming scientific and medical authority

Enforcing trivial demands — Examples include family members being forced to stand 6 feet apart at the bank even though they arrived together in the same car, having to wear a mask when you walk into a restaurant, even though you can remove it as soon as you sit down, or having to wear a mask when walking alone on the beach

Occasional indulgence — Reopening some stores and restaurants but only at a certain capacity, for example. Part of the coercion plan is that indulgences are always taken away again, though, and they’re already saying we may have to shut down the world again this fall

The Trampling of Privacy and Human Rights

The technocracy’s fingerprints are also evident in the invasive, privacy-shredding tracking and tracing programs that have been rolled out around the world, and the repeated warning that unless every man, woman and child gets vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, life will never go back to normal.

The truth is, the technocrats have no intention of ever letting us go back to normal. The plan is to alter society permanently. Part of that alteration is the removal of civil liberties and human rights, and it is now happening at breakneck speed.

As reported by Alex Berenson in a September 30, 2020, Twitter post,20 real-world experience suggests mobile phone carriers, including AT&T and Verizon, are already providing data to state governments for quarantines and contact tracing purposes without your knowledge or consent, even though we’ve been told track and trace apps would be voluntary.

We’re also being bombarded with news reports telling us to prepare to roll up our sleeves and get vaccinated as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available — or else.

An October 1, 2020, article21 in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine bemoans a poll that found only 49% of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. The answer, the article suggests, is to make it mandatory for all.

Written by lawyers at Stanford Law School and other health policy experts, the article outlines what the authors claim are “six substantive criteria” that would support the first vaccine ever to be mandated for adults, outside of the flu vaccine for health care workers.

Recognizing that it’s the individual states, not the federal government, that would do the mandating, the authors also review measures that states would need to implement in order to pull off a mandate.

“State mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty,” the authors say, adding that this penalty should be “substantive,” in the form of employment suspension or stay-at-home orders. If refusing a vaccine results in you being denied an income and forced into house arrest, then it’s not really voluntary, is it? It’s as compulsory as it gets.

Along with Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci has also been priming the public consciousness throughout the pandemic by warning that, without a vaccine, we’ll never be able to go back to normal.22 All this talk is about forced vaccination, despite the complete lack of assurance that any of the vaccine candidates are safe.

Emerging evidence actually suggests the novel mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 could be a public health disaster in the making. An October 1, 2020, report23 by CNBC reviews the experiences of five participants in Moderna’s and Pfizer’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trials. One of the participants in Pfizer’s vaccine trial “woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose,” CNBC reports.24

A Moderna trial participant said he had a low-grade fever and felt “under the weather” for several days after his first shot. Eight hours after his second shot he was “bed-bound with a fever of over 101, shakes, chills, a pounding headache and shortness of breath. He said the pain in his arm, where he received the shot, felt like a ‘goose egg on my shoulder.’ He hardly slept that night, recording that his temperature was higher than 100 degrees for five hours.”25

Two others reported similar side effects, and a third warned you would need to take a day off after the second shot. CNBC also noted that “as companies progressed through clinical trials, several vaccine makers abandoned their highest doses following reports of more severe reactions.”

Russian Intelligence: COVID-19 Is a ‘False Pandemic’

The legal eagles of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee26,27 are not the only ones calling the COVID-19 pandemic out as a fraud and cover-up of a more nefarious agenda.

In the video above, Vladimir Kvachkov, a former colonel of Russian military intelligence, calls COVID-19 a false pandemic, planned and implemented with the goal of gaining totalitarian control over the world population. It started with 9/11, Kvachkov says, and the coronavirus is the next step to continue the power grab.

“It’s all a lie and needs to be considered as a global, strategic special operation,” Kvachkov says. “These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity.”

Comparing it to a military exercise, Kvachkov says the ultimate aim is to reduce the world’s population to 1 billion “ordinary” people and just 100 million of those in control — with the ordinary people being there to serve the 100 million.

In short, he says, the “artificially created” and “purposely spread” coronavirus has four dimensions. The first is religion and population reduction; the second is to establish political control over humanity; the third is to deflate the world economy; and the fourth is to eliminate geo-economic competition.

COVID-19 Rules Mark ‘Hysterical Slide Into Police State’

I’ll end this with some observations by British Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption, who in a March 30, 2020, interview28 with The Post warned that COVID-19 rules are paving the way for despotism — the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive manner.

“The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated.

That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work. They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognize here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria.

Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease.”

It is time to ask ourselves some very pressing questions. Is it reasonable to expect government to eliminate ALL infection and ALL death? They’ve proven they cannot, yet we keep relinquishing more and more freedoms and liberties because they claim doing so will keep everyone safer. It’s an enticing lie, but a lie nonetheless.

Remember, they sold us on the business shutdowns and home quarantining by saying we just need to flatten the curve of infection to avoid hospital overcrowding. Now, hospitals are near-empty and deaths are so low they’re not even reported anymore. Yet lockdowns remain in many areas and some — Australia being a prime example — have reached shocking new heights. 

Sooner or later everyone must decide which is more important: Personal liberty or false security? The good news is that many are starting to see the writing on the wall; they’re starting to see we’ve been “had,” and are starting to choose liberty over brutal totalitarianism in the name of public health.

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