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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

GMO Mosquitoes To Be Released in Florida

In June 2020, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services gave the go-ahead to a plan to release millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes in the Florida Keys this summer to fight mosquito-borne illnesses.1 The plan follows the EPA's recent granting of an experimental use permit (EUP) for the GMO (genetically modified organism) mosquitoes so they can be...

Is Nasal Irrigation More Important Than Hand-Washing?

By now, you probably understand the importance of hand-washing to prevent the spread of infectious illness. But did you know flushing your sinuses might be an even better way to inhibit the progression of a viral illness such as COVID-19? In an April 20, 2020, article,1 MSN’s Best Life features the recommendations of Dr. Amy Baxter, a pediatric emergency medicine physician...

National Heat Safety Month

July is a time for sunshine, swimsuits and serious sweat sessions. It’s also a time to make sure we all stay cool, covered and safe. That’s why MISSION Instant Cooling Gear and their proathlete founders are dedicated to spreading the importance of National Heat Safety Month this July. Co-founder Chris Valletta, former NFL player, experienced heat related illness during his...

An Elevated Spirit

Everyone has their spirit of choice, but not many can say that theirs comes with added health benefits. If tequila isn’t your favorite spirit, you may want to rethink your go-to drink. 100% agave tequila is one of the cleanest liquors out there and, when consumed in moderation, can actually improve your overall health. So, drink up (responsibly, that is) and enjoy in...

Why the Great American Outdoors Act Matters

During this pandemic-prolonged absence of competitive sports, we can at least count on C-SPAN for a daily dose of distraction and entertainment. The cutthroat arena of political MMA that can only be viewed in the U.S. Senate recently produced a real-world underdog tale for the ages with longstanding implications for outdoor aficionados of all walks. Earlier this month, the...

Amid Pandemic, Too Many Americans Are Hesitating to Call 911

Fear of getting COVID-19 at hospitals and not wanting to burden health care facilities with non-COVID-19 issues might account for these findings from WebMD Health via...

FBI: Beware of Scammers Selling Fake COVID-19 Antibody Tests

The FBI said fraudsters are also trying to get people's personal information as well as personal health information from WebMD Health via IFT...

Sleeping In on Weekends Won't Erase Your 'Sleep Debt'

Only 18% of severely sleep-deprived men and women were able to bank enough sleep to make up for chronic weekday sleep deficiencies. from WebMD Health via IFT...

Contact Tracer Teams Growing Amid New Challenges

Contact tracing, along with strategic testing, rapid isolation, and supportive quarantine, is an vital way of slowing the spread of the virus, which has been diagnosed in 2.6 million people nationwide and likely has infected millions more, say public health experts. from WebMD Health

Pilgrim's Pride Chicken Nuggets Recalled

The products, which were shipped to stores in Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Texas, have the establishment number "P-20728" printed on individual retail packages as well as product cases. from WebMD Health via...

New Swine Flu Poses Possible Pandemic Risk

The G4 virus is genetically descended from the H1N1 swine flu that caused a pandemic in 2009, CNN reported. from WebMD Health via IFT...

The Most Epic and Remote Adventures to Experience on All 7 Continents

When travel becomes more ubiquitous (and safe) again, you’ll likely want to prioritize remote adventures. We found the most epic trips on all seven continents, from Ethiopia to Italy and beyond to give you some inspiration. The Most Epic and Remote Adventures to Experience on All 7 Continents Tuscany, Italy: An Adventure Renaissance Even just saying the word Tuscany feels...

Style Meets Adventure With the Ripton & Co. Technical Denim Cutoffs

A scrappy, rebellious, brand founded by a dirtbag bike and ski bum, Ripton & Co. might be the first company to positions cutoff jeans shorts as technical mountain biking gear. Call it hokey, but Ripton has hit a nerve with the millennial crowd. The company sold through its first order last winter. With sales of Action Jorts 2.0 proceeding at the same blistering pace, expect...