Sunday, August 9, 2020

Weekly Health Quiz: Masks, Infants and Obesity

1 Which of the following statements is factually accurate?

  • Masks of all kinds effectively block viruses
  • Only N95 masks can block viruses such as SARS-CoV-2
  • Surgical masks provide the highest level of protection against viruses such as SARS-CoV-2
  • No medical or cloth mask can block exhalation or prevent inhalation of aerosolized (airborne) viruses

    No medical or cloth mask can block exhalation or prevent inhalation of aerosolized (airborne) viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. At best, they can inhibit (but not 100% block) the emission of potentially infectious respiratory droplets when speaking, laughing or coughing. Learn more.

2 How many of the healthy volunteers in Moderna's Phase 1 clinical COVID-19 vaccine trial suffered side effects in the moderate-dose group (100 mcg) after two doses, and the high-dose group (250 mcg) after the first dose?

  • 100%

    The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine caused systemic side effects in 100% of Phase 1 participants receiving two 100-mcg doses. All participants in the high-dose group (250 mcg) also suffered side effects after the first dose. Learn more.

  • 50%
  • 25%
  • Fewer than 5%

3 Which of the following may have played a role in the mysterious decline of premature births and sudden infant deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • Maternal inactivity
  • Reduced vaccination rates

    Doctors have noticed a dramatic reduction in premature births and infant deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. One possible reason for these reductions is reduced vaccination rates among pregnant women and infants. Learn more.

  • Worsened air quality
  • Decreased spouse and child abuse

4 Which of the following appears to impact COVID-19 mortality rates, according to German researchers?

  • Levels of exercise
  • Amount of time spent gardening
  • Consumption of fermented foods

    Countries that consume higher amounts of traditionally fermented foods have lower COVID-19 mortality rates. According to German researchers, significant changes in the microbiome caused by modern life and low fermented food consumption may have increased the spread or severity of the disease. Learn more.

  • Extent of rioting

5 If you're mildly obese, you have a greater risk of the following COVID-19 complications:

  • Heartburn
  • Sneezing and watery eyes
  • Rash
  • Respiratory failure and being admitted to an ICU

    Specifically, patients with mild obesity had a 2.5 times greater risk of respiratory failure and a five times greater risk of being admitted to an ICU compared to nonobese patients. Learn more.

6 Which of the following was, as early as 2005, shown to be an effective prophylactic and treatment for SARS coronavirus?

  • Chloroquine

    According to French infectious disease expert Didier Raoult, the antiviral potency of chloroquine has been well known for years. Research as far back as 2005 showed chloroquine was an effective prophylactic and treatment for SARS coronavirus. Learn more.

  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Zithromax
  • Quercetin

7 What is technocracy?

  • An elite club for millionaires that gives them financial insider tips
  • A resource-based economic system in which energy and social engineering run the economy rather than pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand

    Technocracy is a resource-based economic system in which energy and social engineering run the economy rather than pricing mechanisms such as supply and demand. Learn more.

  • A societal paradigm in which you have to have tech skills to advance and prosper
  • A quasi-religious ideology that worships technology

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