When it comes to backcountry stoves, there are a plethora of options out there. You have the larger, expedition-style stoves on one hand and ultralight, pocket-sized burners on the other. For bikepacking, small and lighter is better, but it’s not always easier. The smaller burners usually use a very small tripod or even just the fuel canister itself as support, which can lead to more than just spilled milk and justified tears.

The BiPod from Snow Peak takes an interesting solution to the balance vs. weight/packability conundrum—it’s a bipod stove, complete with a valve to adjust the flame intensity for better simmering, that uses the fuel canister as a third leg to complete tripod stability. It’s a fairly large tripod as well, and with the large supports above the burner, larger pots should have no balance issues. Made from a mix of stainless steel, aluminum, plastic and brass, the BiPod weighs in a 216 grams. That’s a bit heavier than other more traditional ultralight options (excluding alcohol stoves), but definitely less than the larger backcountry stoves that offer a similar amount of stability.

If you’re after the lightest, fastest system out there, the BiPod might not be it. But if you want a little more comfort in your life after long days in the saddle, maybe the BiPod is just the thing for you.
[$105; snowpeak.com]
Get itThis article originally appeared on Bikemag.com and was republished with permission.
from Men's Journal https://ift.tt/3h42yJp
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