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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Eat — STOP — Eat

Product Name: Eat — STOP — Eat

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By Adam Steer, NSCA-CPT
Epilogue by Brad Pilon, MSc

If you’re ready to finally lose all the weight you want then you’ll love this story…

I used to follow the diet gurus like a lost sheep…

That all ended over a juicy hamburger in 2009 across from a fellow named Brad Pilon. He helped me dig out of a deep pit most chronic “dieters” feel trapped in…

Maybe you’ve felt this too…

You start out strong. You’re confident “this time” you’re going to lose the weight and keep it off.

You pick a “diet” and dig in. At first it seems doable. Then the rules get confusing.

You get busy. All of a sudden fighting the endless food restrictions, calorie counts, ounces and portions is overwhelming.

Every meal is a mental battle. What foods to eat? How many calories? It’s exhausting!…

I would go out with friends. I’d either watch them enjoy their meals while I picked at a salad… Or I’d break down… Eat twice as much as I usually would… And end up feeling terrible about myself…

Whatever it is, something knocks you off the plan…

You tell yourself you’ll get back to it tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes. And…

Before you know it you’ve gained all the weight back — and more!…

When I look back at those times it’s like I was being herded. Like I was a lost sheep blindly following wherever the diet gurus and their fancy plans drove me — even though time and time again I ended up right back where I started. I was trapped in a pit, depressed and a little bit fatter than when I started…

In every other corner of my life I was in charge. And if you’re like me, you probably wonder how a free-thinking, sophisticated, clever and successful person like you can find losing weight so complicated and impossible…

Which is why I’m writing this page for you. Because I want to share the story of how blind luck lead me to Brad. And how he showed me the one simple weight loss strategy that replaced all the complicated rules and gave me back control.

Not only that, using this one strategy is also proven to rejuvenate your cells from the inside out. So you enjoy a more youthful appearance and energy while you brush away aches, pains and health troubles you used to accept as “normal”…

And I want the same freedom for you. However before you keep reading I should warn you…

The simple strategy you’re about to discover is not something the “gurus”, the big food companies, or the diet industry want you to know. In fact they’ve done their best to attack it with false labels like “controversial” or “dangerous.”

Which is why this information has been so hard to find until now. Just keep reading to find out what they don’t want you to know, and why…

Did you know less that 2% of “dieters” manage to keep off the weight?…

No wonder we all lose hope that we’ll ever get the body we strive for.

What I learned though — and what I’ll share with you today — is that the endless cycle of rebound weight gain was never my fault. Just like it’s not your fault. You see…

Diets don’t work… for one very simple reason…

When you are told to skip entire food groups. When you are forced to limit the amount of calories you eat. Your only option is to use discipline to stick to the plan.

Yet behavioural science clearly proves you only have a small supply of discipline. And when you run out… well, you know what happens right?…

And the reason you need discipline to follow a diet is because diets are NOT NATURAL.

When you follow a diet day in and day out you are fighting against everything your body thinks is best for it’s own survival.

Which is why you end up sick, suffering from accelerated aging, and fighting once again with rebound weight gain…

Yet some diets do get ONE thing right. It’s just not what you think…

In the last few years a lot of diet gurus have tried to argue that calories don’t count… And to be honest I understand why. It’s what we all want to hear!…

But to be blunt — It’s also the biggest lie in weight loss…

Ignore for a moment all the fancy weight loss theories you’ve heard. Some of them may be true. Some completely bogus. And others so weak they don’t make a difference in your real results.

However there is one undeniable truth about weight loss…

This one thing may not be popular. But it MUST happen, no matter what the diet gurus pretend. Here it is…

To lose weight you must eat below a certain threshold of calories.

Now, stick with me for a second, ok? I know you’re probably thinking…

“How is this any different from what I’ve already heard?…”

You’ll see in a moment why this is totally different. First…

Let’s define a calorie…

Basically it’s a way of talking about the “energy” stored in the food you eat. It’s also used to talk about the “energy” your body burns to live — and to do whatever activities you do throughout your day.

Now I know this probably isn’t going to be “popular” advice. However…

Even though you NEVER have to “count” a single calorie… I just don’t have a “magic formula” that allows you to eat as many calories as you want and still lose weight. And…

If someone claims you can do that… run as fast as you can in the opposite direction!

And second… I said you need to eat below a certain threshold of food.

The trick is knowing what your level of calories is and getting below it. However…

You don’t have to do it every day. There’s a simple strategy that allows you to stay below your personal threshold WITHOUT daily discipline, precise calorie counting, or giving up any of your favorite foods.

And using this simple strategy is what helps clean out your body — even at the deepest level of your cells — so that you can actually turn back the clock, look younger and feel more energy than folks half your age…

We’ll get into exactly how to do it in a minute. First, we need to uncover…

Chances are your Great Grandparents, and certainly your Great Great Grandparents happily ate fewer calories than you do.

However I’d be willing to bet they didn’t discipline themselves or give up specific foods. In fact…

If you could hop in a time machine and go back thousands of years to visit your ancestors, you’d see that for most of human history there was a very natural cycle of consumption. This kept our bodies lean, healthy and in balance.

You see, calories came in waves. Sometimes high and abundant. Sometimes low and hard to find.

And even today human communities in remote places still follow this natural cycle of high and low calories. And researchers who have visited these communities discover people who are lean, strong, youthful and shockingly healthy compared to the constantly overfed people in the modern world.

Listen: your biology is pretty much identical to your ancestors…

Picture a football field…

Imagine it’s 3rd Down and the ball is less than an inch from the goal line…

Now imagine the entire length of the field as the 300,000 years of human genetic evolution. Well…

The inch that’s left between the ball and the goal line would be like the time since humans discovered agriculture. And…

One blade of grass right before the goal line would be like the time since we started making modern industrial food.

So you can see that your genes haven’t had time to adapt to the embarrassing over-abundance of food that you have today.

Your body still craves the natural waves of higher and lower calories that it evolved to expect.

And we already saw that discipline is not the answer. And that it goes against every survival instincts your body is wired for. After all…

Your ancestors survived by eating their fill when food was plenty so they could cruise through times when it was harder to find. And that’s why you struggle now…

You were never meant to avoid certain types of foods. You are not made to endure daily discipline and deprivation. And you certainly weren’t meant to spend every day counting calories. Heck, we didn’t even discover the calorie until the early 1800s!

However your genetic code IS hardwired to go without food for short periods between times of plenty.

And that’s what’s missing in the modern diet. These days it’s like you eat “one long meal per day” — it starts at breakfast and doesn’t end until you go to bed…

That’s why we’re sick.

That’s why we’re fat.

That’s why losing weight seems so complicated.

That’s why you end up gaining it all back.

That’s why you need to shift from “Food Obsession” to “Food Freedom”… and give your body the break it deserves…

When you don’t eat you get hungry, right?…

And when you’re trying to follow a diet, doesn’t it feel like you’re hungry all the time?

It’s like you’re running a marathon and the finish line keeps getting pushed away. There’s never a day or a time when you are allowed to just NOT be hungry. However…

Imagine being hungry only once or twice a week for a specific amount of time…

And the rest of the time you’re full and satisfied… Never even thinking about your next meal.

Wouldn’t that be freeing?

When I started using the method I’m about to show you it was like a weight being lifted.

And the crazy thing is… I discovered something about hunger too.

All of a sudden hunger did not control me. I wasn’t scared of it anymore…

Because just a little bit of hunger… the tiniest amount of self control… opened up a world of freedom for me.

The method I’ve been talking about is a specific way to do something nutritionists call Intermittent Fasting (IF). However my way of doing it is very different to what you may have heard about. So keep reading…

Because this is the system that freed me from the endless cycle of rebound weight gain. It allowed me to ditch all the crazy diet rules. And now I finally enjoy a stable weight and a lean body I’m proud of.

And it will do the same for you too, like it has for over 54,000 other folks who are using the simple nutritional shifts I learned from a guy named Brad Pilon

I get a lot of strange looks when I first talk to folks about Intermittent Fasting…

It’s something they find either confusing, extreme or scary. And they should because you CAN do it the wrong way. So…

Let’s start with a no-nonsense explanation of how to do it right…

I follow a simple method of Intermittent Fasting called Eat Stop Eat — developed by international author and nutrition expert Brad Pilon who you’ll meet in a minute. Here’s how it works…

Once or twice a week I stop eating for a specific pre-set amount of time depending on my goal and my amount of bodyfat. Simple as that… and it’s only EVER once or twice a week, never more!

And get this… you never go a single day without enjoying a completely normal meal. Now…

Think back to your ancestors and their natural cycles of high and low calories. Really that’s all you’re doing when you practice Eat Stop Eat.

Listen: if you’re like most folks new to this simple yet powerful weight loss and health enhancing strategy, you may think these brief periods without eating could feel limiting. Yet it’s quite the opposite.

Remember: when you’re on a diet you feel hungry all the time, right?

Yet when you’re following the Eat Stop Eat method you’re hungry once or twice a week at most.

And guess what… the hunger never gets any worse than your normal hunger between meals that you CONSTANTLY suffer from when you’re on a diet.

“Instead of being hungry ALL THE TIME — like when you’re on a diet — you can limit your hunger to only one or two days a week?…”

Yes! And you won’t be any more or less hungry than on a diet. But you’ll be FREE from hunger the rest of the week. And you’ll be free to eat whatever you want.

FREEDOM is the reward you get from Eat Stop Eat.

Here’s what changed my life and my relationship to food…

Simply extending your normal overnight fast once or twice a week eliminates the need to diet. And it allows you to lose all the weight you want while you improve the markers associated with good health and longevity.

Now if you’re as busy as I am, those hours will fly by and you’ll barely notice them. In fact most folks report feeling more clear headed, alert and productive on those one to two days per week when they simply hold off on their first meal!…

Listen, I first started using Eat Stop Eat because I wanted a permanent solution to controlling my weight. You see…

Even though I’m a fitness professional, I used to constantly fluctuate between looking great and hiding my body in embarrassment. Eat Stop Eat gave me freedom from that struggle. Yet I soon discovered that I was doing a lot more good for my body than simply weight control…

The author of Eat Stop Eat — Brad Pilon — has studied over 317 peer reviewed scientific research papers. He continues to devour every new piece of scientific evidence linked to Intermittent Fasting. And…

The benefits of the simple strategy he created are shocking. Here’s what you can expect…

Brad’s Eat Stop Eat uses no-nonsense language. It explains the science of exactly WHY the Intermittent Fasting — done right — delivers such powerful and lasting benefits…

In fact, after reading Eat Stop Eat I knew more about nutrition and how it affects my body than 99% of the professional nutritionists I work with in the industry…

In the Summer of 2009 I joined Brad for lunch at a little burger joint in his hometown of Guelph, Canada. I’d only just started using his Eat Stop Eat method and I was excited to discuss my new passion with the author of the book.

He didn’t disappoint. Brad talks about Eat Stop Eat with all the passion of an artist. Yet he backs it up with a depth of knowledge I’ve rarely seen in any fitness professional. And I’ve met my fair share!…

Brad actually stumbled on the Eat Stop Eat protocol in a strange way. You see…

In his post-graduate studies he set out to prove Intermittent Fasting was wrong.

Yet what he discovered shocked him and forced him to write his thesis in defence of a specific type of Intermittent Fasting. And it’s his post-grad thesis that became the foundation for Eat Stop Eat.

Brad went on to head up the R&D department for one of the biggest supplement companies in the world. He describes his time there as being like a kid in a candy store…

He had access to all the latest gadgets and scientific labs a nutrition geek could ever hope for. And he was able to poke, prod and measure countless test subjects — including fitness models and athletes. And…

Although it’s the complete opposite of what the supplement company was trying to sell… Brad continually saw that everything pointed back to what he’d discovered during his post-grad research — Intermittent Fasting when done according to the findings of his thesis is the fastest way to lose weight. It’s the most consistent way to control it for life. And the most natural way to help your body achieve optimal health…

There’s a strange contradiction in the diet world. Everyone seems to accept it without question…

Think about it… Almost every diet, weight loss pill, supplement or program is encouraging you to consume MORE of something.

No one is talking about how to make it easier to eat less.

They try and convince you that eating less is hard, scary, bad for you, and that it’s just not appropriate… and they leave out the fact that it’s the only sustainable solution to permanent weight control.

Now, Brad’s permanent solution to weight loss is not new. As far back as ancient Greece the famous philosophers of the day were promoting the same principles found in Eat Stop Eat.

And as we’ve seen… it’s really just a way for you to mimic the way your ancestors ate. It’s what kept them lean and healthy. And it’s what your body still craves today…

So it may seem strange that “science” has taken so long to catch up. Well…

That may not be true. You see the scientific research has been there for years. And it continues to build up…

However studies that tell you to “consume” less don’t get the same backing and marketing dollars as studies that hint you can buy a pill, eat a certain food, or purchase a certain supplement and lose weight…

It took a pioneer like Brad to gather all the research. He’s had to fight every step of the way to get the word out.

He battled against the status quo — with people trying to claim silly things like fasting would slow your metabolism. Or you’d lose muscle. Or that it wouldn’t work for women. Yet the evidence is overwhelming…

Using Brad’s specific method of IF actually improves your metabolism, preserves your lean muscle tone, and can be used by ANYONE to improve organ health, reverse signs of aging and achieve your lifelong ideal weight.

What if there was a near “magical” fat burning hormone?…

It may sound too good to be true… but we know that Human Growth Hormone (GH) is such a powerful fat burner that models and athletes actually inject themselves with it…

It acts directly on your fat cells, telling them to release stored fat for energy.

Unfortunately your GH can plummet as you get older if you don’t take measures to prevent it.

However you don’t need expensive injections to enjoy the fat burning effects of GH at any age. In fact…

Research clearly shows Brad’s Eat Stop Eat protocol increases your body’s own GH production by 15x… (Some studies have even shown a boost as high as 2000%!)

Which is what makes Eat Stop Eat work so quickly compared to traditional “dieting.”

In fact Brad receives hundreds of notes like this one from his customer Scott Smith:

Your body is toxic. There’s no getting around it.

You’re exposed each and every day to more than 70,000 industrial chemicals created in the past 100 years.

No matter how “clean” you try to live you can’t avoid toxic exposure. Most of it comes from your food. Plus there’s the toxins you breathe in and that touch your skin…

Together all these chemicals make up what’s called your “toxic load.”

So you can see why expensive detox potions and formulas have become all the rage. We need to do something to unclog our cells of this toxic goop right?

I mean… you may not even realize it anymore — it’s been going on so long — yet these toxins are making you feel sick, ruining your sleep, draining your energy and…

They even increase your weight gain because they clog up your mitochondria — the energy generators that burn calories deep within every cell of your body. So…

Of course we want to clean up the mess. Except the folks selling the detox potions don’t tell you…

Your body already has everything it needs to completely detoxify and cleanse without ANY outside help from fancy herbal formulas, superfood smoothies or cleansing flushes…

In fact your body has a specific process called Autophagy. And it is responsible for repairing damaged and defective organelles, cell membranes and cellular proteins…

Basically it’s your body’s internal ‘cleanup crew’ — it identifies and discards damaged or malfunctioning parts. However…

Constant eating — which is how mainstream dieting recommends you eat — shuts down Autophagy. Especially meals that are high in sugar and protein. The good news is…

The research clearly shows that practicing Eat Stop Eat kicks Autophagy into overdrive so you naturally turn on your cleansing and detoxifying pathways.

And this is the #1 factor in generating a healthy and happy body now and in your future.

Listen: Brad’s not a doctor and neither am I. You need a doc you can trust. And you need to listen to your health care pros. However you can’t deny the potential of Eat Stop Eat to clear out nagging health issues and possibly prevent future problems…

Check out what popular blogger Richard Nikoley experienced:

“I’ve gotten off a couple of medications, my BP has come way down, and most particularly, the Eat Stop Eat has radically altered my appetite… I don’t seem to crave food when I’m not particularly hungry. And, a bit of hunger has actually become a pleasant feeling rather than a gnawing feeling.” — Richard Nikoley

The fear-mongers try to scare you away from Eat Stop Eat with the silly idea that you’ll somehow lose muscle mass and quality. However that could not be further from the truth. In fact…

As you’ll see in a minute, not only does Eat Stop Eat protect muscle mass when you do it properly… there’s good evidence that it may actually help you build NEW muscle more quickly if that’s your goal. You see…

Your body goes through a very specific process to build muscle. Bear with me because this gets a bit geeky…

Now for all this to happen you need to release a precise cocktail of hormones and other biochemical signals. Except…

It’s easy for your body to override this entire muscle growth process. Things like systemic inflammation (throughout your whole body) and hormonal imbalance can make it impossible to grow muscle…

Now here’s the really cool part… Eat Stop Eat can reset the growth process in your body and eliminate the factors that are messing up the conditions you need to grow muscle. Here’s how:

Listen, Brad used to be a die-hard believer in the “eat-all-the-time” approach to building muscle. Yet his story proves quite the opposite…

To the right are 3 pics of Brad. The first was taken after 5 months of dieting for his first bodybuilding show. He planned his meals, ate well over 200 grams of protein a day, and did cardio in the morning, weights at lunch, then cardio again at night.

The second picture was taken three years later — after three years of practicing Eat Stop Eat. No more suffering and sacrifice. Eating whatever he wanted most days. And working out just 3 to 4 times per week.

The third picture is 8 years later — March of 2014 — after 5 more years of Eat Stop Eat. By now you can see Brad still maintains impressive muscle and is leaner than ever…

By the time you finish your first Eat Stop Eat protocol — as soon as tomorrow — you’re going to FEEL the difference in the way your clothes fit. You will SEE that your face looks leaner. And you’ll even notice that you feel lighter and more energetic…

You, your friends and your family will notice. Yet here’s what’s actually going on inside your body…

Your body can’t burn fat when your insulin is high. It’s a hormone that signals your fat cells to store more fat. And it locks existing fat in your cells.

During the Eat Stop Eat protocol your Insulin Levels will drop to one third of regular levels allowing you to burn fat at an extreme pace.

And practicing one to two ESE protocols per week will increase something called Insulin Sensitivity — allowing you to store more calories in lean tissue and less in fat, even when your insulin levels are higher.

If you’ve ever fanned the flames of a fire you know that air makes it burn hotter. So Oxidation is the fancy word for actually burning up your fat for fuel.

In the minute before you start your first Eat Stop Eat protocol you’ll be burning fat at about 0.5 umol/kgFFM/min.

By the end you’ll be operating at a whopping 4.0 umol/kgFFM/min. That’s an 800% increase!

How would you like to burn an extra 8840 calories per year — no strings attached?

That’s what would happen if you practice Eat Stop Eat twice per week for 1 year. And that’s simply from the boost in metabolism you get from the protocol.

To put that in perspective — on top of your regular Eat Stop Eat fat burning you’ll lose an extra 3 lbs without any extra effort. OR…

You could eat an extra 55 chocolate chip cookies instead with ZERO weight gain.

Roberta hit rock bottom at 48 years old. She weighed 171 lbs at 5’1”. She suffered from back pain, thyroid problems and adrenal issues. Yet as you can see it’s all behind her now. And she feels and looks like a woman half her age!…

The Eat Stop Eat protocol gave Roberta the freedom she needed. It allowed her body to naturally find its own weight loss rhythm. And the results are stunning…

If you think you look older than you should… then you probably suffer from something called chronic inflammation…

The research now shows that inflammation plays a critical role in determining your biological age. And we know it is triggered from overeating and being overweight.

Chronic inflammation is also linked to most of the diseases associated with aging including: arthritis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, fatty liver, asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many more…

Yes. Inflammation is making you old before your time.

Don’t worry though. Here’s the good news…

Practicing Eat Stop Eat has been shown to cut markers of chronic inflammation in half.

Remember how your ancestors and even your Great, Great Grandparents naturally experienced cycles of consumption that kept their overall calories under a certain threshold.

As a result their bodies stayed lean. And they avoided the accelerated aging and organ damage suffered by folks following the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Yet it happened in a way that didn’t cause the mental stress, cravings and inevitable bingeing caused by modern diets.

You see, everyone has a line in the sand — a certain calorie threshold. Above that line you gain weight. Below that line you lose weight.

“Everyone has a line in the sand — a certain calorie threshold. Above that line you gain weight. Below that line you lose weight.

Eat Stop Eat is the only weight loss protocol that allows you to stay below your line in the sand WITHOUT the stress and anxiety caused by diets, food restriction and calorie counting.”

Your line is determined mostly by your height.

Yes it’s true… tall people get to eat more. At 5’6” that’s a sad fact I’ve had to accept…

Which means for me… if I want to stay below my threshold I’d have to eat like a bird if I followed a typical diet
every day.

Yet with Eat Stop Eat most days you can eat MORE calories than someone else your height, and still stay below the line of your weekly weight loss calories.

That’s the magic of Eat Stop Eat. That’s why you never have to count another calorie. And it’s something you can very quickly test out for yourself…

I want to prove to you how quickly you’ll experience noticeable results from Eat Stop Eat. Give this a try…

Simply eat your normal evening meal tonight…

Then right after dinner start applying the simple instructions you’ll find in Eat Stop Eat on page 116. Then…

Tomorrow night after your evening meal I want you to answer these questions…

Then — the very next morning — I want you to weigh yourself. Do you weigh 1-3 lbs lighter?

Wait one more week and weigh yourself on the same scale, at the same time of day. Do you see that your weight has dropped another 3-5 lbs?

By now you should also be feeling that each time you use the Eat Stop Eat protocol it gets easier and you feel less and less hungry. In fact hunger will practically lose it’s grip on you entirely, while cravings all but disappear.

And finally — 30 days from now — put on the same clothes you’re wearing today and step in front of the mirror. Do you feel that your clothes are hanging off you? Do you see that your face looks lean and even seems more youthful and brighter?

And do you notice how much more energy you have throughout your entire day? And that you no longer suffer from the “brain fog” you didn’t even realize was holding you down?

Are you excited that there are no forbidden foods. That you can reward yourself with your favorites. And that social eating is a celebration again instead of a burden?

If you answer yes to most of these questions, then Eat Stop Eat is working for you. And you can look forward to a long love affair with this simple yet elegant strategy that is already helping over 54,000 people around the world to live a life free from weight worries and frustrating diets.

I’ve heard a lot of excuses from folks before they tried Eat Stop Eat. Yet once you try it they melt away just as quickly as your extra body fat. Here are some of the biggest excuses I’ve heard… and why they just aren’t true…

Perfect… Eat Stop Eat is the only system that will work for you. Because you get to enjoy all your favorite foods while you limit your hunger to only one or two brief periods a week — never more.

By now you’ve seen that Eat Stop Eat is the perfect solution to reset your health while you lose weight. Over 317 peer-reviewed studies prove it is safe, effective and fast.

Not for long… as you’re beginning to see Eat Stop Eat actually turns back the hands of time by decreasing inflammation and increasing youth-enhancing hormones like HGH. There’s no such thing as the fountain of youth. However practicing Eat Stop Eat comes close!…

That’s the last thing Brad wants you to do. In fact Eat Stop Eat shows you exactly why you need to wait 48 to 72 hours between Eat Stop Eat protocols (and sometimes more).

I wish I had discovered Brad’s work in my 20s! It would have saved me over a decade of frustration. And I would have avoided a pile of health issues and joint injuries associated with overeating and inflammation. So yes! The younger you start the better.

Perfect, because I love breakfast too. And with Eat Stop Eat I still eat breakfast almost every single day. Pancakes, waffles, or a bowl of yogurt, it doesn’t matter… I get to eat the foods I love because I create that freedom for myself.

Not really… You may have temporarily sabotaged your ability to burn off your food as fuel. Yet as you saw earlier, simply practicing Eat Stop Eat once or twice a week restores your metabolism and improves your ability to burn fat by 800% or more!…

Because you need the time to experiment with Eat Stop Eat for yourself — and to go through each question above so you can prove to yourself it works — Brad has agreed to give you a crazy guarantee. He will accept all the risk on his own shoulders. You see…

You can try Eat Stop Eat today — and continue using it for the next 60 days — before you even decide if it’s really for you.

And Brad expects that before the end of those 60 days you must agree that Eat Stop Eat is a sustainable lifestyle. And that it will give you a lifetime of peace and freedom from your struggles with weight and diets. If not he actually expects you to ask for a refund of your purchase. You see…

Brad’s passion is to make health and weight control simple again. He wants you to enjoy your life, your food, your family and your friends to the fullest. The last thing he wants is to bring more stress into your life. So if you decide Eat Stop Eat is not for you then he’ll happily give you a no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% refund.

I need to be totally upfront with you. Even Brad admits that Eat Stop Eat is not for everyone. In fact he has identified a few common traits shared by the rare folks who did not thrive on his system. So take a second to review the list just in case you don’t qualify…

On the other hand, Eat Stop Eat “power users” — those folks who’ve gotten the best results and continue to experience vibrant health and optimal weight after years using the system — all share these common qualities…

If that sounds like you, then Eat Stop Eat is not just “a” great solution for you, it’s the ONLY system that will give you everything you are looking for…

Remember, Brad’s main motivation is to spread the word about this one simple strategy that will free you from all the diet misinformation and finally deliver the body you deserve. In fact…

Brad firmly believes the information in Eat Stop Eat is the solution to our modern crisis of obesity and poor health. Because until now… no one had figured out how to make it easier to eat less!…

Brad understands that this time of year can be challenging…

The thermometer is dropping and you naturally long for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

The days are short. The weather is cool.

The season of never ending string of Christmas and New Years parties all tax your willpower and endanger your waistline.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those joyful treats while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

Winter has you in it’s grip and you naturally long for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

All your holiday eating has expanded your waistline and made you wonder if you’ll ever manage to get rid of the extra flab.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in your favorite winter comfort foods while still losing all the weight you want, reaching your New Year’s Resolutions and experiencing growing energy and health.

The power of New Year’s Resolutions are long gone. Yet winter still holds you in it’s grip and you naturally long for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

Super Bowl parties and Valentine’s Day chocolates may be a welcome treat. Yet they can be a big danger to your waistline.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all the fun and treats while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

You’re starting to think about the approach of Summer. And maybe you wonder if you’ll be ready to strut your stuff at the beach or beside the pool…

The dark days of Winter may be coming to a close. Yet the effects of cold weather comfort foods and hiding behind bulky clothes are harder to get rid of.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat quickly strips off your “winter tire” without forcing you to give up your favorite foods or go hungry all the time.

It’s almost Summer. And maybe you wonder if you’ll be ready to strut your stuff at the beach or beside the pool…

The dark days of Winter may be gone. Yet the effects of cold weather comfort foods and hiding behind bulky clothes are harder to get rid of.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat quickly strips off your “winter tire” without forcing you to give up your favorite foods or go hungry all the time.

It’s almost Summer! In fact warm and sunny days might already be cause to break out your shorts or even your bathing suit. And you’re excited to experience the sun on your skin. However…

Summer treats like ice cream, hamburgers and hotdogs are half the fun on those warm Spring days. And you want to lose weight without depriving yourself…

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those summer treats and more while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

Summer weather is finally here! And you’re excited to experience the sun on your skin. However…

Summer treats like ice cream, hamburgers and hotdogs are half the fun and you want to keep losing weight without depriving yourself…

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those summer treats and more while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

It’s Summer! It’s time to get outside, be active and enjoy the weather. However…

Summer treats like ice cream, hamburgers and hotdogs are half the fun and you want to keep losing weight without depriving yourself…

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those summer treats and more while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

It’s Summer! It’s time to get outside, be active and enjoy the weather. However…

Summer treats like ice cream, hamburgers and hotdogs are half the fun and you want to keep losing weight without depriving yourself…

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those summer treats and more while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

The thermometer is starting to drop and you naturally start longing for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

Labor Day parties may have given you a head start on building up your “winter insulation.”

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat gives you the solution to stripping off fat while you still enjoy your favorite end-of-summer treats and indulge in the comfort foods you love on cool Autumn nights.

The thermometer is dropping and you naturally long for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

The season of never ending special holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all tax your willpower and endanger your waistline.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those joyful treats while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

The thermometer is dropping and you naturally long for warm and satisfying comfort foods. Plus…

The season of never ending special holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all tax your willpower and endanger your waistline.

Thankfully Eat Stop Eat actually gives you the freedom to indulge in all those joyful treats while still losing weight and experiencing growing energy and health.

After interviewing hundreds of successful Eat Stop Eat users, I discovered a simple extra to make your experience even easier and faster. So…

I asked Brad to develop a new manual and to include it for free with Eat Stop Eat. And he agreed to test the idea.

Just make sure you take advantage of this while it’s still free, ok…

Have you ever skipped the complicated instructions when setting up some new software on your computer, and then regretted it? That’s me… I always want to skip ahead and just get started. So I created the Quick Start Guide for you. You’ll get a running start while so you can quickly enjoy the benefits of Eat Stop Eat within minutes of receiving the book.

Now if for some reason you are still on the fence, I’m about to make this a complete no-brainer for you…

Brad has agreed to give you 15 days of FREE access to his VIP insider email coaching service called the Advocate.

This is where Brad shares the mind blowing insights, tips and tricks that come from his constant scouring of the latest scientific research papers on nutrition, weight loss, exercise and health.

He sifts through it all for you, chooses the most relevant and useful information, and translates it into easy to understand advice you can put into action right away.

Right after checkout, you’ll see a page asking if you want to activate your free access. Just use the button on that page and with one click you’ll start receiving Brad’s Advocate newsletter right in your inbox, completely free for 15 days!

Close your eyes and think about your body for a second. Are you happy with how it feels?

That’s really what it all comes down to. Are you happy with the results of everything you’ve done to get you to where you are today?…

Because if you’re not… the only way to guarantee you won’t feel just as frustrated next week, or 6 weeks from now, is by making a change. And that’s what I want for you…

That’s why I wrote this page for you. So you can see how different Brad’s Eat Stop Eat is compared to all the other so-called “solutions” you’ve tried before…

Whereas so many diets force you restrict certain foods like carbs or fats, Eat Stop Eat breaks those chains and unlocks the door to enjoying food again on your terms…

Whereas dangerous diet pills, fancy supplements and pre-packaged weight loss meals cost you a bundle, Eat Stop Eat actually puts grocery money back in your pocket so you can spend it enjoying meals out with friends and family…

Whereas popular weight loss advice like “watch what you eat” or “exercise more” requires constant discipline, with Eat Stop Eat you simply apply a small amount of restraint once or twice a week while you enjoy a flood of food-freedom the rest of the time…

Whereas we’ve all experienced the awkward social moments of “being on a diet” and defending it to friends and family, no one need ever know that you practice Eat Stop Eat because you can simply schedule it around your social life…

Whereas exercise takes a huge effort for a small result, just 24 hours delivers noticeable changes using Eat Stop Eat…

And finally, whereas virtually every other weight loss method works in the short term but ultimately ends in gaining all the weight back once you fall off the wagon, Eat Stop Eat is truly a lean-body lifestyle that you’ll enjoy forever.

Just don’t put it off a second longer. Because I’ve seen too many people put their health and happiness on the back burner… insisting they’ll get to it “tomorrow”… yet looking back with regret and self-accusation after weeks or even months of not taking action…

That’s not what I want for you, and I know it’s not what you desire for yourself. That’s why you can get started risk-free today and prove to yourself why Eat Stop Eat is so very different…

Yours in youthful health and fitness

Adam Steer with Brad Pilon

I wanted to personally thank you for reading this page.

You see I’m a science geek and an Author. However I’m terrible at selling. So I’m grateful that Adam is helping me reach out to folks like you — savvy, sophisticated, successful and clever people who want to understand how the body REALLY loses weight and returns to health…

It’s my mission to bust the myth that you have to consume MORE of some expensive pill, potion or gizmo to lose weight. It doesn’t make sense and it just is not supported by the research.

What we really need is a simple way to make it EASY to eat less.

And after pouring through 317+ scientific research papers and interacting with over 54,000 Eat Stop Eat early adopters, I’m more convinced than ever that the specific Eat Stop Eat protocol is the answer you’ve been looking for. After all…

As Adam mentioned in the 5th section of this letter, humans evolved to eat according to these natural cycles. So it makes sense that going back to your roots allows your body to naturally release unneeded fat and repair creeping health issues right at a cellular level.

You and I still have a long uphill climb though. The diet industry and big food companies would still rather keep you spending big bucks on their latest product rollouts. And believe it or not…

Some folks are so stuck in their ways that they’d prefer to suffer through the constant, everyday hunger of traditional “dieting” rather than simply limit their hunger to just one or two times a week so they can enjoy food completely the rest of the time…

Which is why I’m excited that you’re still with me. It’s only open minded trendsetters like you who can spread the message…

So I’m excited to hear your story. I hope you’ll reach out to me and let me know about your Eat Stop Eat experience.

I’m not a typical author who hides out behind my PR team and agent. You’ll find me on Twitter every day interacting with all the Eat Stop Eat early adopters. And I hope you’ll join us today!

Tweet me, ok… (@BradPilon)

Your friend,

-ps-Remember you’ve got Brad’s 100% no-questions-asked guarantee on Eat Stop Eat so that you can try it yourself for 60 days. If you decide it’s not for you just let us know via email. We’ll make sure you get a 100% refund the very same day and we part as friends…

-pps-If you have questions about Eat Stop Eat Brad is happy for you to hit him up on Twitter. However we’ve put together some of the most common questions and answers for you right here…

Absolutely. In Eat Stop Eat I outline exactly how you can build muscle while also losing body fat,
just like Doctor Kevin. You can check out the chapter ‘Fasting and your muscle mass’ for more information.

A: With Eat Stop Eat you can incorporate any diet style you like. My personal opinion is that the general guideline of eating ‘lean and green’ with lots of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices is an ideal complement to the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle, but you can incorporate any diet style you wish and still see fantastic results just like Meagan did, You can check out the chapter ‘How to eat, Eat Stop Eat style’ for more information.

A: The Eat Stop Eat style of eating has helped thousands of women lose weight – Just look at the results of Benita, Tracey and Roberta! In fact, there is an entire chapter in Eat Stop Eat devoted to helping women get the absolute best results possible from Eat Stop Eat, you can check out the chapter ‘Fasting for women’ for more information.

A: Yes. Eat Stop Eat provides a simple way to lose weight, and to also maintain your weight. The trick is in the timing. If you want to be like Officer Mike and not only lose weight, but keep it off, You can check out the chapter ‘How to keep it off’ for more information on maintaining your weight with Eat Stop Eat.

A: No. Eat Stop Eat does not have a weight loss guarantee. Any diet that does is scamming you. Any effective Weight loss program requires you to eat less and exercise more. when you purchase Eat Stop Eat what you get is a book outlining all the principles you need to be very successful at losing weight and keeping it off, but it’s up to YOU to actually put these principles into action. If you want to see the same kind of amazing results as Robb Eat Stop Eat has the tools to make that happen.

A: According to the research, yes. Fasting initiates many health promoting pathways inside your body, including decreasing inflammation, activating autophagic pathways, and decreasing your body’s total toxin load. For more information you can check out the chapters in ‘The Health Benefits of Fasting’ section of Eat Stop Eat.

A: Absolutely. Many of our best Eat Stop Eat transformations have come from people over the age of 50. You don’t have to be in your 20’s to see fantastic results – Just look at Stephen .and William As long as you have medical clearance to diet and exercise this program will work for you if followed correctly. When in doubt you can always check with your healthcare professional.

A: Yes. With Eat Stop Eat HOW you eat is completely your choice. There are several published research studies suggesting that a higher amount of dietary protein might be associated with an increased rate of weight loss (As long as the diet is calorie reduced). Most of the research I’ve reviewed have had people eat between 70 and 150 grams of protein per day (not the crazy 250 grams of protein per day suggestions that you find in fitness magazines). If you like, you can definitely try eating a higher protein diet while using Eat Stop Eat.

Whether your goal is to lose the last 10 stubborn pounds, or if you want to get absolutely shredded like Michael, Eat Stop Eat can and will help you. You can read the chapter ‘The Eat Stop Eat lifestyle’ for more information on reaching extremely low levels of body fat.

Don’t worry, I know your excited to start seeing results like Allan did, so Eat Stop Eat will be instantly available for you to download right after your purchase. No shipping fees, no delays, no waiting to get started.

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Eat — STOP — Eat is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

The post Eat — STOP — Eat appeared first on financetin.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Body Beyond Belief

Product Name: Body Beyond Belief

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Body Beyond Belief is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Click here to get Body Beyond Belief at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Body Beyond Belief is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

The post Body Beyond Belief appeared first on financetin.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, November 1, 2021

Unauthorized Affiliate – error page

Product Name: Unauthorized Affiliate – error page

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Unauthorized Affiliate – error page is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Click here to get Unauthorized Affiliate – error page at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Unauthorized Affiliate – error page is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

The post Unauthorized Affiliate – error page appeared first on financetin.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Product Name: 2021stealth

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2021stealth is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Only Read This if You Are Serious About Getting Everything You’ve Ever Really Want In Your Life… Starting Today!

If You Had The Power To Magically Manifest Anything In Life That You Wanted… Which of These Would You Choose?

“A Personal Message To You From Dr. David Snyder DACM NLP,”

From The Desk Of: Dr. David Snyder DACM

Dear Friend and Future Master of The Universe.

Hey I know that sounds kind of funny but when you fully understand the astounding power of the secrets I’m about to reveal to you, You’ll completely understand exactly why what I am about to tell you is…

Now before I get too far into things, I need to confess something.

I never really planned on revealing a lot of what you are about to get exposed to in this letter. These are methods, principles and “secrets” that I worked and suffered long and hard to discover. Decades of My Life, Hundreds of thousands dollars to learn, distill and perfect.

These were “my secrets” to creating health, wealth, success and happiness in my life, secrets I only ever shared with my very special inner circle students and closest family, and even then with great hesitation. And the truth is, I’m not alone when it comes to holding back these methods.

I know, I know, it sounds like more Internet Sales “Hype” but those are the facts.

You Can Choose To Believe Them… Or Not.

IF you choose To Believe what I am about to tell you, I can promise you that you’ll be on the Faster Path To The Life You’ve Always Wanted, You’ll Be On The Express Train To Mastery and Control Over Every Aspect Of Your LIFE.

That Will Happen For You because what I am about to share with you goes far beyond the simple “Law of Attraction” Stuff You’ve read about, and seen on movies like “The Secret” and “What The Bleep, Do We Know”.

What I am about to reveal to you is the blending of modern discoveries in how the mind and our universe really work and How They Come Together To Create and Manifest Everything In Your Reality

Combine This with The Centuries Old, Time Test Principles For Manipulating and Controlling Reality and…

You see most people don’t know where the “Law of Attraction” Actually Comes From. And Only a select few know that the law of attraction is one of the building blocks of the Ancient Hermetic Science of Magick…

I’m NOT talking about David Copperfield, David Blaine, Or Derren Browne Parlor Tricks.

Those are Illusions, and Tricks. They deceptions for fooling and entertaining people. Not For Creating Reality and Most Certainly…NOT For Helping you create the life you want.

It’s true and the principles were designed to be used together, and when you use all of the wisdom together, You get a result that is many times more powerful that when just the “law of attraction” is used alone.

In fact, most of the time, “The Law of Attraction” will NOT work The Way You Expect It To because the people who teach the law of attraction didn’t give you the whole picture.

You See Most People Don’t Really Understand What That Statement Actually Means, except on the most superficial level.

Those who truly understood the full scope of how mind, body and universe interact were able to rapidly manifest anything they wanted into reality. Those who have a less than solid foundation tend to keep attracting “the wrong things” into their lives and many times manifesting exactly the opposite of what they wanted.

If you keep trying to apply the law of attraction and consistently don’t get what you want, or seem to be ending up with the same things over and over again. Chances are you are missing something in your Law of Attraction Practices

Why Are Those thoughts Dominant? Because those are the thoughts you have most of the time when you are not ‘consciously paying attention or directing your will. And they are entirely determined and under the command of your unconscious mind.

I constantly teach my persuasion, influence, manifesting and hypnotherapy students that:

The Ancient Hermetic Systems, which form the basis for most real mental and spiritual disciplines and forms of meditation such a Yoga, Kabbalah, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Taoism, Mikkyo Buddhism, Christian Hesychasm, And Others had very powerful and systematic ways to train the mind and modify all of these many different types of “dominant thoughts” so that practitioners could rapidly access and focus their minds ability to use the law of attraction to its fullest extent.

And It was a secret they guarded with their lives.

Eventually “The Self-Help Gurus’ Got their hands on some of these concepts and Over time, bits and pieces of that knowledge made its way into public awareness through such movies as The Secret and Others

The “Gurus” Left Stuff Out, Important Principles and Methods that if you don’t understand, and apply to your “manifesting and Law of Attraction work…

You’ll never be able to effectively manifest the things you want, and in fact, you are far more likely to manifest all the things you don’t want!

Ironically, and NOT by coincidence the systems that the ancient masters used to change their Minds, Beliefs, Feelings and Vibrations focused on the use of altered states of consciousness AND Suggestion. i.e. meditations, chanting, breathing techniques, all designed to get every level of the mind-body continuum vibrating at the same frequency.

The equivalent of the modern day physics principle of “Entrainment”

The Law of Attraction = The Modern Day Physics Principle of Entrainment.

Now these practices for purifying and training the mind took years and years to master, if you had the chance to ever learn them at all. To do it the way the real masters of the law of attraction did it you would need Years and years of consistent training and effort to attain…And

That’s The Part The Guru’s Left Out

Because if you knew it would take years, you wouldn’t buy their products, you wouldn’t come to their seminars, and you certainly most likely would look for something easier and more reliable. Yyou see they know that human beings crave “instant” gratification and the longer and harder a person has to work at something the less likely they are to want to do it.

So the gurus sold you the part that your reptile brain most wanted.

Now I’m not putting the “guru’s down” I’m just pointing out a possible reason why you aren’t getting the results you might want.

And It’s NOT Your Fault. You didn’t have the whole story. And I want to help you change all that… Forever.

S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Stands for Strategic Suggestion Through Effectively Applied Linguistically Transmitted Hypnosis and is a Powerful Blend of Modern Proven-in-The Real-World Hypnosis Methods, NLP, and Vibrational Influence Technologies that can rapidly bring all levels of your body and mind into the same frequency and vibration. The Real World STEALTH Hypnosis System Has very direct and powerful methods for uncovering and changing all of the beliefs you have.

Once You Understand and Gain The Ability To Control, Program And Cleanse Your Body and Mind Through the Power of Hypnosis. You’ll automatically begin to pull more and more of things you want into your life – often automatically.

This is what the old zen masters use to mean when they referred to the concept of “Doing By Not Doing” It was a byproduct of mastering the secret science

And it can also happen for you to, if you follow instructions and actually do the drills to get the skills.

But the Real Masters of the Law of Attraction Didn’t Stop There.

The Masters Were Extremely Pro-active People (they just understood the dynamics of taking action better than most) The “Masters’ used the power of suggestion, hypnosis and mental influence methods in “other” important ways too.

Hence the Ancient Saying

This phrase like everything the masters taught had many levels of meaning. One of which implies that because we have learned to influence reality and manifestation on a Macro or global level to pull situations, circumstances and events into our life.

We also need to be able to exert influence on local level so that we also have the ability to persuade and influence those people more effectively to do what we want.

The masters understood that this was a crucial power to have in life. And they zealously developed their own person powers of persuasion and influence through suggestion and other hypnotic methods… and for good reason

You see another “hidden law of attraction” is the law of grounding or “intentional action”

For every thing you seek to manifest using the law of attraction principles, must have a counter-part in the physical world. In other words, your energetic, mental and spiritual manifesting work must be balanced with actions in the physical world that move you toward the outcome of your manifestation.

And once again the masters of the law of attraction had an advantage because they understood very well how the mind works. They also knew the most powerful ways to influence the minds of others to get them to do what they wanted more easily through the use of suggestion.

You see its not enough to just understand and program your own mind, although that’s obviously important. But its the just as important to remove and reduce resistance to your manifestations in the real world through the ability to fascinate, persuade and influence others to believe what you say, and do what you want.

When you have this amazing skill set at your command, taking the necessary actions and steps toward activating the laws of attraction become so amazingly easy and effortless, its almost unfair, and more importantly…

This was one of the most fundamental, important and vital skills any of the real masters of attraction could possess. And you can even see the necessity of it today when ever you watch infomercials, political speeches, religious programs, or even when trying to talk to that super attractive person you’ve been dying to hook up with.

The Bottom Line…Pretty much ANY Form Of Human Communication Demands The Ability To Capture and Lead The Minds of Others.

In fact, you probably already know that ability to use hypnotic persuasion could have made the difference between basking in the winners circle and sitting all alone in the loser seat.

Law of Attraction or Not, No matter where you go, or what you do, the ability to communicate to people in such a way that they find you irresistibly compelling is a skill that will constantly bring you higher and higher levels of success and happiness when you apply it in the right way and for the right reasons.

It’s a Must-Have Skills for any person who needs the help and compliance of other people.

It’s also one of the fastest, easiest and most direct ways that you can systematically, and automatically program your mind and the universe to activate the law(s) of attraction to automatically bring you what ever you want in life.

Conversational Hypnosis Methods Are In Constant Use By A Select Few Individuals and Well-Funded Agencies all all over the world with a strong interest in hypnotizing you into believing what they say and doing what they want you to do…

Without You Even Knowing About It,

and the only way to protect yourself from this “unwanted influence” The same kind of influence that can sabotage your “Law of Attraction and Manifestation” Work is to learn conversational hypnosis methods for yourself so that you can…

Once I Mastered The Art Of Suggestion Through The Power of Conversational Hypnosis, My life dramatically changed for the better, and I truly believe it will do the same for you. Now Is the Time To have This Power Ready and Waiting For You So That You Can Use It To Get What You Really Want, Whenever You Want It

The system I am about to share with you is completely real, its right in front of you waiting for you to take charge of your life once and for all. There has never been a complete system of universal influence like this available before and the truth is I don’t know how long I will be able to keep it available at this low price, or even if I am going to be to keep it available at all.

If you have ever wanted to have the amazing power to hypnotize a person to obey your commands and follow your lead without them knowing it then Here Is What You Need To Do

Or Scroll Down To The Bottom of The Immediately To Gain I INSTANT UNLIMITED ACCESS To My Top-Secret S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Hidden Laws of Attraction Training System, Where I’ll Teach You EXACTLY

And That’s really just a small sample of what you’ll be getting after you’ve read this important letter.

In fact your rapidly discover that getting all of these things and more is Actually Really Fun and Easy If You Use The Right Methods and Have The Right Teacher

Can Easily Put You On The Fast-Track to…

Look, I know what its like to feel completely cut off from the things you really want. To be completely out of control in your life and have other people pulling your strings and making you do things you don’t want to do.

I know what its like To constantly feel like you are on the outside looking in while others seem to magically pull everything they want to them.

“Trust Me When I Honestly Tell You That These Skills Have Given Me The Power To Enjoy Everything I Have Ever Wanted In My Life

… And I Truly Believe They Can Do The Same Thing For You Too. “

So if you have answered yes to even one of the above points.

You need this training more than anyone.

I’ve made it as simple and easy as possible for you to get started and I guarantee if you use this STEALTH Hypnosis persuasion method the way I will teach it to you

And if you are not happy with the course. If it doesn’t do for you what I am saying it can then I will joyfully give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Because only you can decide if you are worth the investment in yourself to get these skills and take charge of your life once and for all. Keep in that with great power like this also comes great responsibility

(some people can’t) and are you finally ready to learn real no-holds-barred covert conversational hypnosis secrets that can dramatically improve every aspect of your life if so…

This Could Be The Most Important Message You Ever Read…

Don’t let Fear, Uncertainty and Lack of Action Ruin Your Chances For The Lasting Happiness, Power and Control You’ve Been Searching For. That’s what has been keeping you stuck.

If You Want Different Results In Your Life You Must Be Willing To Take The Right Action At The Right Time…

You’ll actually be getting two powerful training systems for the price of less than one!

The complete STEALTH: Hidden Law of Attraction System combines my most powerful teachings and methods for reprogramming your mind and body for maximum effectiveness in applying the law of attraction A variety of powerful methods including my personal discoveries in Hypnosis, N.L.P. and Neuro-Somatic Energetic Re-patterning.

A proprietary energetic hypnosis method that can change literally any problem or enhance any attribute in just minutes.

In this Very Special 14 Video Series Called The Hidden Law of Attraction Formulas I blow the lid off of the secrets behind “The Secret” Wide Open.

The 14 videos are divided into four very specific areas of Mind Training and Law of Attraction Programming that blend perfectly with one another and with the other half of this Reality Manifestation and Personal Transformation System my cutting edge

I’ll go into detail about what you get in STEALTH: Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course in just a little while. But for now let me tell you a bit more about how this 14 Part Law of Attraction Formula Training Will Change Your world forever.

I’ll Also to take everything you have learned about the law of attraction, mind training, persuasion and influence … and turbo charge it

The Best Part Is I Not Only Teach You The Drills principles and Techniques.

Each of these special seminars include unique hypnotic installations at the end to make sure your unconscious mind is programmed exactly the way you need it to be so that it attracts what you want and not what you don’t want.

You’ll own the skills faster than ever, the more you watch the videos the deeper the training goes…

The unique methods in these two video workshops are SOOOO Secret Some of this I have only taught to my Elite Master-Mind Students and Some of It I have Never Taught To Anyone.

I have used them consistently to:

I truly believe that if you follow my formulas as I teach them you can have all this too!

Money, Wealth, Prosperity… This particular video set focuses specifically on the accumulation of wealth via the law of attraction and related principles. It also covers the key ingredients behind most forms of self sabotage and how you can systematically insure that you get everything you want in terms of monetary abundance

Is It Really The MONEY We Want, OR is It the Great STUFF the money gets Us ?


Once again in this series I take you beyond the ‘common myths and misunderstandings about the law of attraction, and wealth programming to systematically give you the exact information and training you need in order to achieve the level of wealth and prosperity that you have always wanted.

I’ll disclose little known secrets regarding the psychological and metaphysical aspects of money that if you don’t understand them, can dramatically hinder your chances of ever attaining wealth on your own.

Because If you Don’t, You Most Definitely Will By The End of Video Set Four, This is literally the Law of Attraction Secret Weapon, and once you own it you’ll be amazed at what happens in your life next. Welcome to the art and science of “Strategic Serendipity With…

This exciting and powerful video course levels the playing field on so many levels.

Lucky People, We Love Them, We Hate Them, We all want to be one. Do we not?

Lucky People Seem To Instinctively Invoke the Laws of Attraction Practically Without Ever Having To Do Anything, and even when things go “wrong” for them they always seem to come out better off than before.

Interestingly Scientists have discovered a unique set of behavioral and personality traits that ALL LUCKY People Seem to have an abundance of.

Ironically approximately seven of them (Lucky Seven?).

And If you own these seven traits, and amplify them properly, the natural amount of “lucky” events and opportunities in your life “magically” seem to increase as well.

Now of course for most people, installing and amplifying New Ideas and traits would be next to impossible but, utilizing the powers and methods of STEALTH Hypnosis and Vibrational Influence Technologies we can now:

Combine this amazing knowledge with a little NLPPOWER Magic and PRESTO…

And Getting Luckier is very very simple.

Take a moment and imagine what your life will be like with skills and abilities like these,

The Installation of the Luck Traits that you will only find in this amazing program causes the law of attraction to begin function “all the time” to bring you consistent good luck, more opportunities and better outcomes from any thing you attempt.

People with the luck traits just have an easier life than those who don’t and you can read all about it in magazines like Psychology Today.

But We Are Not Done Yet…

Here’s What Else We Have For You…

Once Your Membership Has Been Cleared, You Will Automatically Receive

And that is still just the beginning of what you’ll be able to do once you master the STEALTH Instant Conversational Hypnosis System

We will show you how to do it step by step.

The Real Power of The System is NOT in Just the Materials. Its also in the Method We Use To Teach you.

You will be hypnotizing people the same day you get the course, its just that easy, fast and powerful. And We Guarantee It!

The Complete S.T.E.A.L.T.H. HYPNOSIS Video Transcripts for easy reference

This transcript is worth its weight in gold because it allows you to carefully study and dissect the exact way I use the S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Hypnosis System To Actually Program The Ability To Do S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Hypnosis Directly Into You. Study These Transcripts over and over and even write them out to really install my level of skill or better into you FAST


This 2 Downloadable CD Quality mp3 audio version of the STEALTH Hypnosis course lets you listen to and take your lessons with you where ever you go.


A fully annotated workbook Includes Specific Lesson Plans For You To follow Complete Transcript With Additional Commentary to flesh out your understanding of the stealth hypnosis training method

PLEASE NOTE: In this volume I actually point out many of the conversational hypnosis techniques I am using on you in the video and audio courses.

Well honestly, you don’t.

But the only way that you can know for yourself how real and powerful this course is and how it can give you the power and choice in your life you have been searching for is to go for it, but in case you may have any lingering doubts…PAY ATTENTION HERE

I want you to know that everything I am teaching you in this course is Unconditionally 100% Money Back Guaranteed to work for you and if you aren’t happy in any way for any reason.

I will give you every penny of your money back.

Look I will be completely honest with you. There are lots of people out there trying to teach you Overly-complicated, Watered-Down, Sissified and Impractical Techniques that only work in a video or training room.

You want something that works out in the real world right?

All of the material you will be learning here has been used over and over again in the real world by real people (trained by me) and with tremendous results.

Sometimes People Ask Me…IF this course is so Valuable,

You See I Want to Be Your Friend, Mentor, and Teacher For A Long Time. And you and I both know that friendships are built on mutual trust. But someone always has to give first and naturally that should be me.

Because first and foremost I want you to BE Convinced I am The Real Deal.

I want you to use the course that I teach and Prove To Yourself That IT Works.

Then Once You Know The Power of what I have given you, you ‘ll naturally want more and that’s where I’m going with this. The bottom line,

I Completely Promise You A Ton Of …

Hypnotic Attraction Secrets Vol. 3: “The Three Magic Questions” Video Crash Course

This Top Secret Special Edition Video Has Never Been Released Before and teaches in clear easy to follow manner, my own personal nuclear-powered system for exactly How To Hypnotically Get Inside A Person’s Head and STAY THERE

…All in 20 Minutes or Less.

This video crash course is an excerpt from my special 5-hour by-invitation-only Private Training were I teach my personal coaching students all the inner secrets of conversational and covert hypnosis.

You Will Be Amazed At How Knowing Just A Few Simple Key Concepts Can Dramatically Increase Your Ability To Be Hypnotically Compelling, Attractive and Seductive To Whomever YOU Choose.

Sex Signals: The 7 Stages of Sexual Attraction, Body Language And More

Lets face it every guy wishes he could have some kind of a road map that would tell him EXACTLY how well he was doing with a woman.

In this Exciting information packed video I BLOW THE LID OFF of Exactly What To Look For. You WILL learn the complete 7 stage process women go through and the non-verbal cues she is going to give you that let you know

Listen, I have often said in my Secret Orgasm Tips Course and others that the single biggest secret to making any dating, attraction or seduction system work is simply the ability consistently and reliably interpret a woman’s sexual body language cues.

Knowing the secrets in this video WILL take out all the guess work. And they work on women all over the world from Southern California To South East Asia.

The secrets in this video have kept me well taken care of and given me the ability to bed 9 out of ten women on the first date. This one is priceless!

INSTANT INNER GAME: How To Remove Fears, Limiting Beliefs and

Program Your Mind For Massive Success in 30 Minutes or less.

When it comes to using this material whether it be for dating attraction and seduction, business or therapy The plain truth is that your hypnosis techniques are ONLY as good as your level of trust, faith and belief in yourself.

Women are trained to choose men who are strong powerful leaders.

Women Recognize A Man As A Leader When They Carry Themselves with purpose and confidence. Confidence strong enough to pass all their tests and call them on it.

The ugly truth is though that you can’t build confidence until you do two important things.

A. Remove The Mental And Emotional Blocks To Your Success

B. Decide What You Want And Take Immediate Actions Toward Getting It.

That is what makes a man truly an alpha male. In this important video I will show you the fastest most powerful way to remove your own blocks to your inner and out success. and I will guide you via video step by step into building a powerful, unstoppable and magnetically powerful personality that women just can’t help but notice.

Don’t be surprised when every aspect of your life starts to automatically get better as a result of using this method.

INSTANT AND RAPID INDUCTIONS: How To Induce A Powerful Hypnotic Trance In 3 Minutes or Less!

The biggest lie that the so called “masters” of hypnosis have perpetrated on the public is the belief that hypnotizing people is hard.

The truth is quite the reverse…

Hypnotizing People In Seconds is Simple, Easy and Fun, If You have the right training and understand a few key principles.

In this no-holds barred hypnosis video I teach a group of rank amateurs how to effortlessly drop people into a profound hypnotic trance in less than just a few minutes.

Everyone was amazed at how fast they could be hypnotizing people like ten -year hypnosis pros could NEVER DO.

(Please note: This video is NOT going to make me very popular with the old school hypnosis crowd.)

Because most of them can’t do what you will learn to do in just minutes from watching this video. And they DON”T Want You To Know How To Do It Either!

Great Video, You Will Love It!

I just wanted to let you know how much I’m getting out of your classes! As a practicing hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner, and having been through several other NLP trainings, your classes are definitely top notch and a step above, and give us plenty of opportunities to learn and train our skills.

I love your easy to remember and use systems, such as the “4 Magic Bullets,” which has already become my default induction.

I often find myself naturally and automatically using the hypnotic language patterns you’ve taught us while driving and conversing with others.

Thanks so much, and keep it up…can’t wait for the next training!

Jason West NLP Master Practitioner Orange County, CA.

David I thought it would be appropriate after this past year to give thanks to someone who has inspired and pushed me to reach further for more and more ESPECIALLY during the many times when I’ve been frustrated due to my perceived lack of progress.

I’m so thankful to have had our paths cross and I’m equally proud to call myself a hypnotist

Mark Stein Designated Broker-Officer San Diego CA

In the 3 weeks since I took your class, so many doors of opportunity have opened for me that frankly I feel a bit dizzy.

I consider myself to be an extremely lucky person, but this blows right past mere “lucky” to “pretty darn incredible”!

So many influential people, sponsors, mentors and resources have come into my life and opened themselves up before me as if I had a magic master key.

They have revealed new possibilities (and each one is bigger and better than the last) and many new directions to take my energies in the days to come.

What can I say – it is just fantastic. My eyes have been opened to a vision of what I can achieve in this world and I have been given the opportunity to create a future bigger than I ever dared to dream..

In years to come when I look back at my journey, I will recognize the moment I said YES to your offer as when it all began for me. I am fortunate to know you and have you for a friend and mentor.

Thanks again. Here’s to greater success to you – and I

PS: When I re-read this before hitting the SEND button, I realize that it sound as if I am on something that is not legal.

Yes I am high, but only on the thoughts that are buzzing around inside my head.

Ramdas Menon C.Ht. NLP Carlsbad, CA

You Risk Absolutely Nothing. I am taking all the Risk For You.

Try out S.T.E.A.L.T.H. HYPNOSIS for 8 weeks. Do The Drills, Get Skills See the Amazing Results and If you are not 100% satisfied with Our Program in any way within those 56 days, just let me know.

I’ll send you a complete refund, No Hassles, Guaranteed! The risk is on me to deliver, and you to apply.

You have Absolutely Nothing To Lose and Everything To Gain By Trying This Course Now!

Just Click on the link below To Confirm Your Membership and Get Started Today.

Because that is approximately how much I spent on courses, trainings and other sources in order to find out what really works and what does not. And that is not counting my time and energy experimenting out in the field and sifting through all the snake oil some people are trying to sell you.

How Many Would You Buy? How Quickly Would You Grab As Many As You Could?

How often would you do that if you were GUARANTEED to get that same MASSIVE Return On Your Investment over and over again?

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2021stealth is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

The post 2021stealth appeared first on financetin.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Product Name: Vitalflow

Click here to get Vitalflow at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Vitalflow is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Hello, my name is Sam Morgan!

And what I have to share with you today is actually something that may help with a very embarrassing problem men are told they HAVE to get used to:

Frequent bladder issue…

This doesn’t have to be a young man’s game, so if you ever thought to yourself that you should settle for this…

Trust me, this is the last thing you’d want to do!

Because after many years of personal trials and experiments, I believe that I have finally discovered a special blend of ingredients which may help anyone support healthy prostate.

The following formula is calculated and adjusted to give THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS when it comes to help maintaining the good health of your prostate!

We sourced the ingredients from the purest locations.

And after testing more than 144 organic ingredients, we have chosen these top 3 ingredients:

We also added Cat’s Claw and Tomato Fruit Powder to further help and support the good functioning of your prostate.

But this is not all, as the formula is even more stronger and powerful, thanks to many other unique ingredients:

According to one paper in the Life Extension Foundation, Pygeum Africanum Bark works wonders because it supports a healthy inflammatory response, while Cat’s Claw and Tomato Fruit Powder are also good at supporting a healthy immune system.

The natural green tea contained by this formula, and the broccoli leaf extracts are also powerful ingredients.

The Journal of Synthetic Chemistry confirms that broccoli leaf extracts have extremely powerful and valuable nutrients, ones that are required for the good health of the prostate.

We also added Selenium, Vitamin E and Vitamin B-6 to further support you. Better support means better health!

And last but not least, we added – Zinc, Copper and Plant Sterol Complex to help you enhance the support of your prostate even more

Zinc and Copper are absolutely essential to your prostate’s health…

But even getting that much daily Zinc would mean you have a seafood-rich platter for dinner every single night for the rest of your life.

And most likely, if you’re not a rich penguin, you’ll neither enjoy nor afford that…so that’s why supplementing is the key!

Now, I imagine you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on VitalFlow for yourself along with how often you need to take it for best results.

Remember, you can support your prostate from the urge to go all the time, inability to empty the bladder, and sleepless nights.

What would that be worth to you?

Because that’s what it would cost you to buy each individual ingredient on its own and by choosing VitalFlow you could spare yourself from forking loads of money on expensive and exotic groceries that you might not even like to eat.

Of course, you could restrict your diet like crazy and turn into one of those self-hating cultish people who can never again eat anything they want to, spending all your money in Whole Foods for overpriced organic ingredients that you dread eating for every meal only to get no relief.

It’s less than what you’d pay for fancy exotic groceries that you don’t even like eating.

Plus considering that it takes our manufacturing facility 3 whole months to source and produce just a single batch of VitalFlow and that each capsule contains the purest and most bioavailable form of these prostate-supporting power foods in existence…

But even so, I decided to do something never before seen:

And the good news keep on coming:

So click the 6-bottle package or any other package you choose below this video right now to secure your order.

This is truly one of the most important investments that you’ll ever make in your health and well-being.

Just click the six-bottle package or any package you choose below this video right now to start your order.

You’ll then go to the secure checkout page where you’ll enter your order details and within just five business days from now, you’ll receive VitalFlow right to your front door in discreet packaging so no one will have any idea what’s in the package.

So go ahead and select your package of VitalFlow while there are still bottles in stock.

This should be an absolute no-brainer because you’re also covered by my 60-day 100% money-back guarantee.

It’s your decision but this is your last chance.

Thank you so much for watching and God bless!

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Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. For questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your doctor.

Sam Morgan is a pen name used for marketing purposes and to protect the author’s identity. Any likeness to a real Sam Morgan living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Click here to get Vitalflow at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Vitalflow is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

The post Vitalflow appeared first on financetin.

* This article was originally published here